typos in DFXP draft


A few minor points in the draft at 

1) Section 1.2
As the time metric is now specified in the example text, delete the 
"In this example, the default metric for time expressions is seconds 
since no metric is specified in the expressions."

2) Immediately after the caption "Subtitle 2 - Time interval [5.0, 
10.0)", the spurious text "Subtitle 2" should be deleted.

3) The text in 7.1.1
"If a TT AF document instance makes use of an optional language..." - 
this would benefit from mentioning that the mandatory and optional 
features are detailed in E2 - Feature Support

4) Typo (trailing quote) in 8.2.13   descendant"

5) There are various style properties (e.g. 8.2.23 tts:visibility) that 
don't include the new text  "For the purpose of determining 
applicability of this style property, each character child of a p 
element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span, ...."
Where properties can be applied to a span, shouldn't the text be there?

6) 8.3.14
"while the syntactic element S must adhere..." but S has been deleted 
from the definition above it.


Received on Friday, 24 April 2009 12:05:48 UTC