TTAF1-DFXP WD Editor's Copy Update - 20081214

I have completed integrating the previous DFXP CR 20061116 sources into [1],
and have configured and generated a new editoršs copy [2] for preparing a
new revision. Further, I have integrated resolutions for the following
actions/issues (see [3]):

[GA-A-024-20081214] 7.1.4       correct prose to accommodate nested divs
[GA-A-024-20081214] 7.1.6       correct prose to accommodate nested spans
[GA-A-027-20081214] 9.3.2 (7)   map anonymous spans to fo:inline only when
parent is p or span
[GA-I-016-20081214] 10.2.*      fix incorrect reference to smil2 section
(should be 10.4.1)
[GA-I-017-20081214] 8.3.4       correct definition of <duration> syntax to
[GA-I-027-20081214] 8.2.20      correct names of textDecoration values
[GA-I-037-20081214] 9.3.2 (7)   map anonymous spans to fo:inline only when
parent is p or span
[GA-I-044-20081214] B.4         change typo "withing" to "within"
[GA-I-045-20081214] 8.2.24      remove extra '"' at end of last line of wrap
option example
[GA-I-046-20081214] 8.2.23      missing inheritance and percentage

The notation I am using for implemented items (in [3]) is:

<initials-of-editor>-<I = issue | A = action>-<number>-<date resolved and

I am using xmlspec diff markup in order to explicitly track changes, and
these are presented in the editoršs copy [2] as follows:

addition    - light green background, red text
removal    - light green background, red text with strike through line
modified   - light green background

I am not yet generating a change log (in the editoršs copy) or updating the
acknowledgments section from the member db.



Received on Sunday, 14 December 2008 09:47:23 UTC