Re: new issue? dfxp and language selection

At 10:32  +1100 4/12/08, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>If we really wanted to specify a "select"-statement, we need a
>different approach (I think that is what Dave Singer also proposed).
>Note that I am not proposing such - I much prefer the idea of having
>different files for alternative content.

Indeed, Sylvia has it.  I wasn't proposing it either, rather opposing 
the idea that one should infer something is a choice from the way it 
is labelled.  If a choice is to be made, it should be explicitly 
labelled "please make a choice here", whether that is at the file 
level (as currently in the spec.) or within the file (using some kind 
of selector construct).

I feel that dfxp is cleaning matters up by making it possible to 
label multi-lingual content correctly.  This will make it easier to 
index, convert (e.g. text-to-speech), make accessible perhaps, and 
possibly even present as text.  This is all good.  Let's not muddy 'a 
single session that switches between multiple languages' with 
'multiple sessions representing different language versions of the 
same content' without explicitly designing the latter.
David Singer
Multimedia Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 4 December 2008 00:22:39 UTC