Re: some points w.r.t. streaming and buffering scenarios

Al Gilman wrote...

> We want to [...] use XML for what it helps us with but not slavishly use XML
> if in the end it is seriously getting in the way.

It would be an interesting choice to burden TT with a new format that's not
well-understood, doesn't have wide support in authoring tools, languages and
OS vendors, etc.  I know that I won't personally have any use for TT if it's
not XML-based, and in my experience most people will feel the same way.

> The requirements for 'capture' are more severe than for 'authoring.'

The requirements of /the TT format/ for realtime-captured text are actually
much simpler and more straightforward than those for "authored" timed text

> The TT format should meet the needs of the MMI group to support real time
> collaboration among geographically distributed people.

A file format can't support realtime collaboration, but tools that use that
file format can.

-- Charles Wiltgen

Received on Saturday, 8 February 2003 12:01:04 UTC