publishing Tracking Compliance as a Note

Hi all,

> On Oct 24, 2018, at 11:35 PM, Matthias Schunter (Intel Corporation) <> wrote:
> thanks a lot for updating the draft. I am fine with the current version.
> Team: These are the three documents we plan to publish as Notes:
> 1. Roy's CR-converted-to-Note:
> 2. Mike's Addenum:
> 3. I assume that our former compliance spec will continue to exist as
>  a Note.

On point 3, I had meant to suggest this earlier (when TPWG was re-chartered focusing on TPE), but I think it would more accurately report the status if we also published the Tracking Compliance and Scope document (currently a Candidate Recommendation, I believe) as a Note, with an indicator of no current plans to advance along the Recommendation track. I’m not aware of any current publication as a Note, though Matthias refers to its continuing to exist — did I miss that publication?

I believe we could use similar introductory/status text as on the TPE Note. I believe there were some claimed implementations, but not to the extent that the WG had believed justified continued work. The Note would also have a final URL so that one could continue to use it to claim compliance, but with the updated status. We could also use that to refer to links for other work on compliance policies, if people want to share links on that.

Let me know if you would like me to draft the Note or if Team or someone else wants to handle it.


Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2018 03:37:27 UTC