data append next W, not this

To clarify in response to questions, the discussion of data append is now slated for next Wednesday.  Those assigned the task of providing text have said they plan to get it out this week.


Professor Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
    Ohio State University

From: Jeffrey Chester <<>>
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:34 AM
To: Alan Chapell <<>>
Cc: Nicholas Doty <<>>, "<> (<>)" <<>>
Subject: Re: DNT:1 and "data append"
Resent-From: <<>>
Resent-Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:35 AM


Users should expect that their online data used for append products will not be incorporated into the targeting profile.  Databrokers may be able to provide offline and public data as a separate product.  But under DNT: 1, online tracking data should not be gathered or used.  DNT should foster better privacy practices in the real-time targeting data environment.

Jeffrey Chester
Center for Digital Democracy
1621 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 550
Washington, DC 20009<><>

On Mar 27, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Alan Chapell wrote:

Yes, the DNT HTTP header is an expression about an online transaction.
When DNT is enacted, an online transaction can't be tailored by a profile.
Whether that profile was derived from 1) a URL string across multiple
website visits or 2) an offline database should not matter. A User seeking
not to be tracked while online is unlikely to be able to make such
distinctions - and neither should we.

On 3/27/13 1:26 AM, "Nicholas Doty" <<>> wrote:

On Mar 25, 2013, at 12:34 PM, Alan Chapell
<<>> wrote:

Thanks David. Perhaps this will help clarify where some of the confusion
lay. In any event, I look forward to discussing further on Wednesday.

On 3/21/13 3:16 PM, "David Singer" <<>> wrote:

I remain somewhat puzzled by this discussion.  Let's see if I can
my puzzlement, and maybe the answers will help shed light.

DNT is an expression about privacy in an online transaction (between a
user and their user-agent, and a server, over HTTP or similar

I recognize that this is the position of some in the group.

Is there disagreement on this part of David's summary? The DNT HTTP
header is quite directly an expression about a particular online
transaction. The group agreed very early on to make the expression apply
to that particular request (which an HTTP header is well-suited for) and
not to imply, for example, retroactive deletion.

It's worth
noting that this is not how DNT is described in the charter. The charter
describes DNT as a "preference expression mechanism ("Do Not Track") and
technologies for selectively allowing or blocking tracking elements."

I note that we have chosen not to define tracking or "tracking elements"
in this working group, which may be a reason for some of the confusion.

To provide some context, the text in the charter "selectively allowing or
blocking tracking elements" referred to formats for determining white and
black listing for blocking purposes; we did some early work on the
Tracking Selection Lists specification, working from a submission from
Microsoft. The group has subsequently decided to stop work on those
deliverables, with the preference for not working on formats that would
enable blocking.

While "Do Not Track" in the press or in the terms of some companies has
been used to refer to almost any privacy or blocking measure, we have
used it here (and the charter follows this convention) to refer to the
preference expression mechanism -- where you express the preference "Do
Not Track" -- and not to blocking mechanisms, even though lists for
selectively blocking HTTP requests were also in scope of the Tracking
Protection Working Group.

Hope this provides some clarity,

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 14:41:18 UTC