clarifying procedure -- (re)opening issues in working through the June draft

Good Monday to the group:

I have received questions about the process for (re)opening issues if and as the group begins to work off of the June Draft.

The idea is supposed to be simple.  The June Draft has one version for each of the provisions.  Everyone thus has clear notice of one variation that is on the table.

If you would like to have a variation on the text, the price of admission is simple -- you propose text.  We thus learn which issues are "live," because someone in the group has proposed text on it.  The text proposal might be a variation of language, a motion to strike language, a suggestion to add a new section, etc.

In this way, the idea is that discussion is focused on concrete text for each part of the spec.

Because this price of admission is designed to be so affordable, the idea is that we would close the previous open issues.  Each issue where someone in the group proposes text becomes a new open issue.

I hope this email clears up any confusion on that point.

Thank you,


Prof. Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
Ohio State University

Beginning August 2013:
Nancy J. and Lawrence P. Huang Professor
Law and Ethics Program
Scheller College of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology

Received on Monday, 17 June 2013 12:53:24 UTC