Re: TPWG agenda for Wednesday, January 16; background reading on de-identification

Here's a suggestion for discussion.

As it's 'My' data why can't I decide what to do with it? Why does the server/content provider get to decide?

My definition of Privacy is very simple - Privacy is My ability to control the 'Collection, Flow and Use' (CFU) of my private data. I should be able to indicate to the content provider in real time not only my Privacy intentions but also exactly what you can and cannot do with that data.

For DNT to work (at least for the advertisers to accept it) it will have to include an exception mechanism. The current design of the exception mechanism maybe great for wifi but over cellular on mobile there's a lot more traffic. Why not simply allow the user to 'express not only a privacy intention' but also an intention about the use of that data.

By allowing the user to set this 'before' transmission you save considerable bandwidth. All that is required is a little more context in the current DNT signal value.

Peter J. Cranstone
CEO.  3PMobile
Boulder, CO  USA

Improving the Mobile Web Experience

Cell: 720.663.1752<>

On Jan 11, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall <<>> wrote:

Hi Peter!

I read the UK ICO paper recently -- which in no way means I'm prepared
to brief the group! The ICO paper is pretty broad and focuses on
publishing anonymized data.

One of the big differences I found, as a techie, was in the appendices
of the ICO report; there they discuss more and more technical de-ID
strategies compared to the HHS' document's focus on suppression
(redaction), generalization (abbreviation, aggregation) and
perturbation.  For example, the ICO document talks about resampling,
swapping, etc.

I also found its' more broad treatment of the ethics of publishing data
at all as well as a suggestion to do "pen-testing" like
re-identification exercises to be interesting (there's a flow chart on
p. 37 that incorporates the guidance from the document rather well).
best, Joe

On Fri Jan 11 11:48:46 2013, Peter Swire wrote:
Hello DNT folks:

In response to a question, yes there will be the usualWorking Group
call on Wednesday, January 16.

The call will include a presentation on the de-identification
guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
in November, 2012.  Deven McGraw of CDT was deeply involved in that
process, and has agreed to present on that subject.

Another major 2012 document on de-identification was areport of the UK
Information Commissioner Office, with guidelines for anonymisation
under UK and EU law.  Is there someone in the group, or known to the
group, who has materials prepared on these guidelines and would be
able to brief the group on them?  If someone is able to do that for
this Wednesday, we could do roughly half the call on each one.

Discussion below on why these documents provide good background for
our discussion of delinking/de-identification.




Background reading on de-identification:

           (1) United Kingdom, Information Commissioner’s Office,
“Anonymisation: Managing Data Protection Risk Code of Practice.”
(2012).  This is the first code of practice on anonymisation published
by an EU data protection authority.

           (2) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
“Guidance Regarding Methods of De-Identification of Protected Health
Information in Accordance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule.” (2012).

           Here is an explanation for why I have selected these two
documents to assist in our examination of de-identification issues.
Both of them are written by established government agencies that have
years of experience with de-identification.  Both agencies sought and
received public comments in the preparation of the reports, from a
range of stakeholders.

           Selection of these documents is not intended to endorse
the reports or claim that their recommendations should be applied
directly to Do Not Track.  For the HHS report, one might assert that
it is stricter than should apply to DNT, because medical data is
usually considered more sensitive than advertising data.  On the other
hand, perhaps the HHS report is less strict than appropriate for DNT,
because entities covered by the HIPAArules have comprehensive privacy
obligations that do not apply to other U.S. firms.  Similarly, for the
ICO report, one might argue that it is stricter than appropriate for
DNT, because many entities covered by DNT are not subject to the
comprehensive legal regime of the EU Data Protection Directive.  By
contrast, one might argue that the ICO report is not as strict as
appropriate. I have been told, for instance, that the Dutch approach
is stricter than the ICO report, although I have not seen any document
that explains the Dutch approach.  If someone in the Working Group is
aware of such a document, that could be helpful.

           Here are two other governmental reports that provide
additional background for those who wish to dig deeper:

           1.  Health System Use Technical Advisory Committee, “Best
Practice Guidelines for Managing the Disclosure of De-Identified
Health Information.”  2010.  This document was drafted by a
multi-stakeholder group led by Canadian federal/provincial/territorial
ministries of health.

           2.  Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology,
“Statistical Policy Working Paper 22, Report on Statistical Disclosure
Limitation Methodology.”  2005.  The U.S. government for decades has
released statistical information while seeking to prevent
re-identification, such as for Census results.  This paper is the
current inter-agency policy document for how to manage the risks of

           I welcome others on the WG to suggest background reading
on delinking/de-identification, as we lead up to face-to-face
discussion on the topic in Boston in February.


Professor Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
   Ohio State University

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Senior Staff Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology
1634 I ST NW STE 1100
Washington DC 20006-4011
(p) 202-407-8825
(f) 202-637-0968<>

Received on Friday, 11 January 2013 17:44:00 UTC