DAA announcent

This is a big step forward, but for the DAA commitment to work they would
need to take DNT unset as DNT:0 (they are asking for it not to be set by
default) and this will probably not fly under EU DP law. 


We now definitely need a site-specific DNT:1 API so 1st party EU servers can
set DNT for their 3rd parties if the DNT general preference is unset, and US
based servers will react properly to an EU user (the 1st party site also in
EU can determine that).


This is in the advertisers interest because the only alternative would be
for EU 1st parties not to use third-party content or edit out tags when
users had not given consent (or third-part cookie blocks were not set). Any
of these would stop permitted uses.




Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 18:38:58 UTC