QUESTION FOR BROWSERS who have partial DNT implementations today - plans to fully implement? (i.e. DNT:0)

This is a question is for the browser companies that have implemented DNT:1 today (Mozilla, MSFT):

Do you plan to implement a DNT:0 option (per the draft W3C spec), and if so, what is your timeline for implementation?  I'd also like to understand why you have implemented only DNT:1 (a partial implementation) but not DNT:0?

As browser companies ask publishers to "honor" DNT signals that are propagated from your browser, many publishers have read the draft W3C spec, and are struggling to understand your partial implementation.  Your explanation and justification may be helpful as they evaluate if or how to "honor" the DNT signal.

I'll be sharing your answer (or lack thereof) to this important question with IAB membership as part of our continued education program surrounding the draft DNT specification.

Many Thanks.

Chris Mejia | Digital Supply Chain Solutions | Ad Technology Group | Interactive Advertising Bureau - IAB

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 16:43:18 UTC