Re: Issue 115, exemptions, best practices: Issue 25 and 34

sorry for being slightly off-topic.
The summary being:

Privacy issues will not be solved by DNT. 
Privacy issues will be solved by changing the business model.

Le 26 févr. 2012 à 12:26, JC Cannon a écrit :
> Websites should have the right to request engagement from consumers in order to help fund the free content they provide.

Note that it is not exactly what is happening. The industry as large right now is not really a negotiation but more a "accept this or go away". We give to users a long list of statements on how we need to do this and that with their data, how they need to give up on many things *from the start* of the business "relationships". It's partly the issue, I believe. Each time a new legal hole is discovered it is being added to the ToS which becomes longer.

In the physical world, when I enter for the first time in a bookshop, I can do many things. I can even read contents without buying it all of that anonymously. There's pretty much no ads about the clothes I like to wear. I can browse the travel section without having suddenly advertisement from AirCuckoo agency. I can go out without buying a book either. If I buy stuff I can pay in cash and not be traceable. I can choose to be part of loyal client program, but I'm not forced.

On the Web, there is no choice (most of the time).

It's where I think the biggest issue is. The full industry is blindly making people believe that is the only choice—They believe it too—for accessing content. 

> On the status quo, either we provide one liners or short interstitials, which provide brief information or we long comprehensive statements that arguably are difficult to wade through.

I kind of like what some Webapps with OAuth system are doing. First you grant a permission to the app to do something with your own data and when the app is well done. You grant the access for a specific set of actions. It's a lot better as a model. 

The fear of the industry saying that if we ask too many things to users to accept is not the fear of bad user experience, but the fear of acknowledging the fact that the value of the online "free content" is mostly null and that people will indeed not go through the effort of "buying" it through click yes/no. Basically it is the fear of the industry to be in most cases irrelevant.

Why I'm writing this? Because in most cases, when people _really_ need something, they do the extra mile effort to buy the stuff. There are Web sites with paid services which are profitable. 

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations, Opera Software

Received on Monday, 27 February 2012 22:23:22 UTC