Re: who are we protecting against? is it 'bad actors'?

Le 23 févr. 2012 à 19:20, David Singer a écrit :
> we agree we're not protecting against 'bad actors'


> Since these are the companies that will 'play right up to the fence', it is for these companies that deciding where the fence is, is important.  (And doubly important to make sure that there aren't gaps in the fence, as then they can keep going in that direction indefinitely and never encounter a fence.)

Three things:

* The obvious gap in the standards that we have just forgotten
  - mistakes (it's why real implementations for testing it 
    are important before it is stamped as a w3c rec)

* The gap we could not identify
  - There are things sometimes where we create gaps? Or more 
    exactly, we create new ways of doing things. I think for 
    example about table markup used for doing layout in HTML.

* The context that we will change because of the new system. 
  I would imagine for example industries going all vertical 
  and buying all the needed infrastructure to be able to fit 
  the first party definition. 
  - The users are still tracked. 
  - The companies who can't fit the new model disappear. 
  - The ones who can just got more effective.

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations, Opera Software

Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 00:43:18 UTC