Re: [Issue-71] Proposed Text for Issue 71

On Feb 8, 2012, at 16:38 , JC Cannon wrote:

> David,
> It seems like are closer to each other in what is needed than the text bears out. I agree that bad actors will attempt to skirt the rules.

I don't think it's only 'bad actors', alas.  It is the very existence of the data that causes concern.  What happens if it leaks? The management changes? Someone makes a mistake? Law authorities want to look at it?  The company gets bought or merged?  And so on.

> I don't think the spec will stop bad actors. However, those of us who want to protect online privacy should not be lumped with them. That said, I would love to see the language adjusted to make sure that the loopholes are closed and complying with the spirit of this rule is made simpler.

I, too, am open to suggestions!

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2012 00:47:44 UTC