Re: [Issue-5] [Action-77] Defining Tunnel-Vision 'Do Not (Cross-Site) Track'

On Wednesday 08 February 2012 09:42:56 Shane Wiley wrote:
> Do you have an example in the real-world where a medical or insurance
> website has tracked referrer headers to ask their clientele specific
> questions to affect their coverage?  This appears to be far beyond the
> realm of real-world practices.

I had some of the cases passing by my screen. Whether they fit your concrete 
case? I don't think so. But I'm pretty sure there are some nice cases the 
consumer advocates or the DPAs can bring up. I'm all for being concrete. But 
if we have no case, why are we here anyway? Why are consumers so concerned?

The cases that show the danger for democracy, you admitted in another email, 
are difficult to make public. 



Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 21:10:57 UTC