RE: next face-to-face meeting: MIT, 11-13 February

Happy Holidays Everyone,

Not that I’m looking forward to freezing weather in Boston, but it was my understanding that we tried to bounce between west coast, east coast, and Europe in order.  For example, we held the last east coast meeting in DC, then the next one in Redmond, then the last one in Amsterdam.  So the east coast rotation seems fair from an expectation perspective.  I know they were looking for locations in Florida – super disappointed no one was able to come forward with space (I tried – our office in Miami is too tiny).

I have scheduling limitations on pushing out the meeting any later, so I’m more focused on date than on location (but REALLY hope I don’t get stuck in Boston due to weather as that would hurt me just as much).  Fingers-crossed for a gentle weather on the east coast this winter.  ☺

Safe Travels,

From: Dobbs, Brooks []
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:59 AM
To:; Berin Szoka
Cc: Group WG; Thomas Roessler
Subject: Re: next face-to-face meeting: MIT, 11-13 February

As an "east coaster", I'd second Ian's sentiment.

Brooks Dobbs, CIPP | Chief Privacy Officer | KBM Group | Part of the Wunderman Network
(Tel) 678 580 2683 | (Mob) 678 492 1662 |


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From: "Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)" <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" <<>>
Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 2:54 PM
To: Berin Szoka <<>>
Cc: "<> Group WG" <<>>, Thomas Roessler <<>>
Subject: Re: next face-to-face meeting: MIT, 11-13 February
Resent-From: <<>>
Resent-Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 2:54 PM

Would someone please enlighten me as to why we think west vs east coast matters when every other f2f is in Europe?  L.A.would be much better weather wise for February. ..
On Dec 19, 2012 10:25 AM, "Berin Szoka" <<>> wrote:
Ah, Boston in mid-February!  Huzzah!  Average daily low is 29°F and high is 36°F.

I'll see if the U.S. can crank up our carbon emissions a bit over the next few months to try to heat things up, but there's only so much we can do—and the switch from coal to natural gas made possible by fracking has, sadly, already caused our carbon emissions to plummet.  Apologies for market processes working!

In case it isn't obvious to some, when you plan your travel, you need to account for potential delays due to snow.  Logan airport handles snow about as well as any but still...  I would plan to come in the day before.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Thomas Roessler <<>> wrote:
The next face-to-face meeting of the Tracking Protection Working Group will be at MIT in Cambridge, MA, on 11-13 February.  Details, registration, agenda, and exact times will follow early next year.

We're looking for sponsors to help fund catering for the meeting.  If your organization is interested, please contact me off-list.

Happy holidays,
Thomas Roessler, W3C <<>> (@roessler)

Berin Szoka | President, TechFreedom | @TechFreedom<> | @BerinSzoka

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 20:59:45 UTC