CVS WWW/2011/tracking-protection/drafts

Update of /w3ccvs/WWW/2011/tracking-protection/drafts
In directory gil:/tmp/cvs-serv13928/drafts

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Remove section on transitive exceptions since it adds nothing to the protocol, but rather states a set of requirements on compliance regarding transferred consent. This section is expected to be picked up by TCS

--- /w3ccvs/WWW/2011/tracking-protection/drafts/tracking-dnt.html	2015/03/20 13:37:36	1.280
+++ /w3ccvs/WWW/2011/tracking-protection/drafts/tracking-dnt.html	2015/03/20 13:46:12	1.281
@@ -2033,59 +2033,6 @@
-	  <section id="transitive-exceptions">
-	    <h2>Transfer of an exception to another third party</h2>
-	    <p>A site may request an exception for one or more third party services used in 
-			conjunction with its own offer. Those third party services may wish to use 
-			other third parties to complete the request in a chain of interactions. The 
-			first party will not necessarily know in advance whether a known third party 
-			will use some other third parties.</p>
-		<p>If a user agent sends a tracking exception to a given combination of origin 
-			server and a named third party, the user agent will send <code><a>DNT:0</a></code> to that named 
-			third party. By receiving the <code><a>DNT:0</a></code> preference, the named third party acquires 
-			the permission to track the user agent and collect the data and process it 
-			in any way allowed by the legal system it is operating in.</p>
-		<p>Furthermore, the named third party receiving the <code><a>DNT:0</a></code> header acquires at 
-			least the right to collect data and process it for the given interaction and 
-			any other use unless it receives a <code><a>DNT:1</a></code> from that particular 
-			identified user agent.</p>
-		<p>The named third party is also allowed to transmit the collected data for 
-			uses related to <strong>this</strong> interaction to its own 
-			sub-services and sub-sub-services (transitive permission). 
-			The tracking permission request triggered 
-			by the origin server is thus granted to the named third party and its 
-			sub-services. This is even true for sub-services that would normally receive a 
-			<code><a>DNT:1</a></code> web-wide preference from the user agent if the user agent  
-			interacted with this service directly.</p>
-		<p>For advertisement networks this typically would mean that the collection and 
-			auction system chain can use the data for that interaction and combine it 
-			with existing profiles and data.  The sub-services to the named third party 
-			do not acquire an independent right to process the data for independent 
-			secondary uses unless they, themselves, receive a <code><a>DNT:0</a></code> 
-			preference from the user agent (as a result of their own request or the request of 
-			a first-party). In our example of advertisement networks that 
-			means the sub-services can use existing profiles in combination with the 
-			data received, but they can not store the received information into a 
-			profile until they have received a <code><a>DNT:0</a></code> of their own. </p>
-		<p>A named third party 
-			acquiring an exception with this mechanism MUST make sure that sub-services 
-			it uses acknowledge this constraint by requiring the use of the appropriate 
-			tracking status <a href="#tracking-status-value">value</a> of 'C' (consent),
-			and an appropriate qualifier defined by the compliance regime(s) that 
-			they operate under that indicates this transfer; the 
-			<a href="#dfn-qualifiers">qualifier</a> "t" (transferred) is suggested.</p>
-		<p>The permission acquired by the DNT mechanism does not override retention 
-			limitations found in the legal system the content provider or the named 
-			third party are operating in.</p>
-	  </section>
       <section id="exceptions-ui" class="informative">
         <h2>User interface guidelines</h2>

Received on Friday, 20 March 2015 13:46:13 UTC