Weekly github digest (Distributed Tracing WG specs)

* w3c/trace-context (+2/-1/💬7)
  2 issues created:
  - Clarify, if generic tracer should be explained in HTTP Header Format (by danielkhan)
  - Enable Rewrap or similar solution to limit the line width and simplify reviews (by SergeyKanzhelev)
    https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/issues/228 [editorial] 

  1 issues received 7 new comments:
  - #228 Enable Rewrap or similar solution to limit the line width and simplify reviews (7 by SergeyKanzhelev, danielkhan, yurishkuro)
    https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/issues/228 [editorial] 

  1 issues closed:
  - Decide, if generic tracer should be explained in HTTP Header Format https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/issues/232 [editorial] [trace-context] 

Pull requests
* w3c/trace-context (+3/-2/💬9)
  3 pull requests submitted:
  - Glossary section (by SergeyKanzhelev)
  - Fix link (by AlekSi)
  - use the lower case HEXDIGLC rule in abnf definition (by SergeyKanzhelev)

  6 pull requests received 9 new comments:
  - #222 [WIP] add processing model to spec (3 by SergeyKanzhelev, mtwo)
    https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/pull/222 [trace-context] 
  - #227 Improve grammar, spelling and structure of HTTP-Header Format and processing model (2 by SergeyKanzhelev, danielkhan)
  - #226 Fix file case (1 by SergeyKanzhelev)
  - #230 Fix link (1 by AlekSi)
  - #231 Glossary section (1 by danielkhan)
  - #221 [WIP] Changed abstract to define the problem we are solving and the proposed solution (1 by SergeyKanzhelev)
    https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/pull/221 [trace-context] 

  2 pull requests merged:
  - Improve grammar, spelling and structure of HTTP-Header Format and processing model
    https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/pull/227 [editorial] [trace-context] 
  - Grammar, Spelling and wording
    https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/pull/225 [editorial] [trace-context] 

* w3c/distributed-tracing-wg (+1/-0/💬1)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Join the working group message (by SergeyKanzhelev)

  1 pull requests received 1 new comments:
  - #6 Add more goverance wording to the contribution.md (1 by yurishkuro)
    https://github.com/w3c/distributed-tracing-wg/pull/6 [w3c] 

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/trace-context
* https://github.com/w3c/correlation-context
* https://github.com/w3c/distributed-tracing-wg

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2019 17:01:00 UTC