Re: hyperlinks

Hi Alice,

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 6:20 AM, Alice Wonder <> wrote:
> On 11/12/2017 10:58 AM, Fredrik Söderquist wrote:
>> decent fallback. Maybe hyperlinks will be part of a future version of
>> the specification - it seems very unlikely that it will do so using HTML
>> attribute syntax. You can raise a feature request at the WebVTT
>> GitHub:
> That's sort of what I suggesting, a way to do it without attributes, which
> is why I suggested <a.https>stuff</a> - where the first dot
> is delimiter between tag and arguments and within arguments, a space is
> delimiter between protocol and url (requiring %20 for spaces in url in case
> it ever needs to be extended with a third argument, such as possibly
> accessible name for link)
> I don't want to raise a feature request, would rather someone with a better
> understanding of where WebVTT is going do that if this fits where it is
> going, so I just thought I'd suggest here. Which is now done.

This is indeed a new feature request and you don't have to have the
syntax sorted out to make a new feature request - in fact, what we
like when you register a feature request is a description of several
use cases and how users would interact with such a new feature. Leave
the syntax to the spec editors.

To be clear: we're not adding this to V1 of WebVTT which is currently
being finalized. But we'd like to always hear about new use cases so
we can add them at a later stage.

A discussion here on the mailing list is great, but only when an issue
is registered will we actually make the effort to try and
schedule/resolve the issue. So please go ahead.

Current Editor of the WebVTT spec

Received on Sunday, 12 November 2017 22:15:03 UTC