Re: Yet Another Scroll-Up Idea (YASUI) in VTT

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 10:08 AM, David Singer <> wrote:
> On Sep 25, 2012, at 16:52 , Silvia Pfeiffer <> wrote:
>>>> That's how I saw it, too. Is that how you are planning to work with
>>>> WebVTT in HLS? Or is your HLS player just the first step towards a
>>>> more complete support of WebVTT? I am trying to find out if there are
>>>> fundamental issues that can't be overcome easily or if it's just a
>>>> step-wise implementation.
>>> I think that this is a desirable goal: players that behave as if they have some style-sheet(s) built in, that are generally applicable (i.e. can be used in any VTT file).  I don't see this changing fast in off-browser players like HLS.
>> So they would likely follow the 608/708 spec?
> Not sure what you are asking here, but … we think it likely that we'll need to support both (a) captions 'converted' from 708 (or something like) and also (b) the FCC suggestions, which want the ability to color and scroll windows, etc.  To that end, behaving as if some fixed style-sheet was built-in, that gives (e.g.) access to window colors, would be desirable.

I took the next step from there and basically asked if, given this
situation, you think it likely that instead of developing their own
fixed style-sheet, they would be sufficiently satisfied with using the
one we are developing in that spec. Or more to the point: I would hope
that if that spec wasn't sufficient, we could extend it together. I'd
prefer it if we didn't come up with a whole swag of fixed
style-sheets. ;-)


Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 01:23:49 UTC