RE: Possible WebVTT conf call sync-up! Action requested!

A phone sync would be useful; now that there are several implementers of <track> and WebVTT. It would also be good to have some test cases to drive interoperability.

-----Original Message-----
From: Silvia Pfeiffer [] 
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2012 8:00 PM
To: David Singer
Subject: Re: Possible WebVTT conf call sync-up! Action requested!

Hi David, all,

I think it's a great idea to have a once-off call to touch base.
There's plenty in your list for a discussion. :-)
(BTW: There's also a WebVTT mapping into WebM.)

If we want to go through some of the bugs on the call, it would be easy to pick them, since we've been diligently putting them into the bug tracker, even when we've had discussions on list.

Right now we have 20 bugs on WebVTT in the bug tracker:

We should discuss how to go about resolving them.
We don't seem to have made much progress on these recently, even though many of the discussions have come to a conclusion.
Eg. should we provide diffs for the spec that Ian can accept more easily?

About the technicalities:
I also think Zakim won't be available to us, so if you can provide a phone bridge, that would be useful. We have an irc channel at #texttracks on the w3 irc host, so can use that to take notes. We can always share an irc log as notes on this list.


On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 7:56 AM, David Singer <> wrote:
> This is great news, and it strikes me that this may be a good time to 
> think about a conference call:
> * implementation and usage experience; what's working for people, 
> what's not, and aspects of the spec. that may need attention in the 
> light of experience;
> * review of issues, bugs, and so on - are we up to date, what's the 
> plan for addressing them
> * what's left that we need to be able to express or do with WebVTT (in 
> the VTT spec. itself)
> * information about related work:
>  -- use of WebVTT (update on the HTML5 support etc.)
>  -- packing of VTT in other formats (e.g. in-band in MP4 files)
>  -- possible use of VTT in other formats (e.g. it's been raised in the 
> context of MPEG DASH)
> * VTT and other formats; we have an action to work out the translation 
> to/from TTML, for example; is anyone looking at this? it might help 
> inform the TTML work as well (profile definitions)
> * other business, I am sure
> I seem to recall that the W3C working-group infrastructure (staff, 
> Zakim, IRC bridge) is not, or only partially available.  I can supply 
> a phone bridge if needed, but we'll miss the IRC 'bots, if that's the case.
> ACTION:  if you are up for a call, email ME (not the whole group) with 
> the time-zone at least that you would normally take the call in, and 
> any major unavailability you have during say August; I'll try to get 
> together a doodle poll with what looks like some better choices when I 
> get enough responses to get an idea of the landscape.
> ACTION: also email me (and/or the list) agenda items
> This is a great milestone for accessibility.
> On Aug 2, 2012, at 10:09 , Geoff Freed <> wrote:
> Hi, everyone:
> Apologies for cross-posting.
> NCAM has put together a page of <track> and WebVTT demos at 
> .  Currently there are two videos 
> showing captions only, but more videos will be added as new features 
> are implemented (and as I have the time).  They've been tested using 
> Chrome 18+
> (Windows/Mac) and Safari 6 (Mac only) but not IE10.  If you're running 
> IE10, please give these videos a try and let me know if they work.  
> <track> doesn't appear to be supported yet in other browsers.
> Thanks.
> Geoff Freed
> David Singer
> Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Monday, 6 August 2012 21:15:37 UTC