Re: Roll-up captions in WebVTT

> That's like ten times more annoying to read than the normal captions on
> that video. I think if we are to support roll-up captions we need a far
> more convincing use case.

Two points in response:

1. Roll-up captions are essential for live captioning where the text
is transmitted as the captioner types, especially when steno errors
and subsequent corrections are factored in.  Another issue is the
sheer number of words per minute during live captioning, where without
roll-up you would end up missing the context half of the time. This
usage scenario is very common during live broadcasts in the United
States, where captions are not only roll-up, but also appear word by
word, instead of line by line. I'll check around if I can find a video
clip that shows this clearly.

2. The implementation of roll-up in this video is poor. The
positioning and alignment jumps around with every roll up, which of
course makes it very hard to read.

Now come to think of it, a corollary is that roll-up support by itself
is not sufficient. You also need a way to paste on captions live word
by word for it to be truly useful.

Best regards
Christian Vogler, PhD
Director, Technology Access Program
Department of Communication Studies
SLCC 1116
Gallaudet University
VP: 202-250-2795

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 09:21:10 UTC