Re: Porting wptserve handlers to Python 3: next steps / code review

On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 1:38 PM Stephen Mcgruer <> wrote:
> > Maybe we could just have wpt-pr-bot not assign any reviewers for Ziran's PRs at all? Even simpler :)
> ... I don't get how that's simpler? As long as Ziran choses an assignee, wpt-pr-bot shouldn't* override that or touch the assignee field, so it all should be fine?
> Or are you looking to avoid folks in META.yml being cc'd at all?
> * Ok, wpt-pr-bot is a bit buggy, so it might :/

This was under the assumption that wpt-pr-bot will still add reviewers
and generally make a mess of things if one adds reviewers or labels at
PR creation time.

But yeah, fixing any problems that still remain there sounds better
than teaching wpt-pr-bot to stay away entirely from certain
contributors' PRs.

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 19:09:25 UTC