Re: TPAC 2018

Andreas Tolfsen <> writes:
> Dear all,
> Also sprach James Graham:
>> On 10/10/2018 17:56, Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
>>> I see that the wiki's been updated with several topics. Are they
>>> going to be turned into an agenda? I'm asking mostly because I'll
>>> be attending the Devices & Sensors WG meetings at the same time but
>>> would still like to show up depending on what's being discussed.
>> Yes, although I propose we create the final agenda as the first
>> agenda item, since it inevitably turns out that there are things
>> that people want to discuss that did not, in fact, end up on the
>> wiki and often other things that have been overtaken by events and
>> are no longer relevant.
> Yes, this is how we’ve done it in the past and that seemed to work
> quite well.  Since we are a small WG we can adapt more easily to
> make it possible for people attending other meetings to sit in on
> the parts they are interested in.
> I’ve updated the wiki to reflect this:

Thanks, everyone.

For the record, I was asking about the web-platform-tests agenda, but
since some of the Devices & Sensors work intersects with WebDriver it
was good to take a look at the WG's agenda too :-) I take it that it's
OK to attend both WGs' F2Fs as an observer?

Received on Thursday, 11 October 2018 14:40:45 UTC