Re: Submodule propagation question with wptserve


On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 11:43 AM, James Graham <> wrote:
> On 03/08/14 19:32, Odin Hørthe Omdal wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 3, 2014, at 20:10, Brad Hill wrote:
>>> 11 days ago, this commit landed:
>>> Today, I have folks following instructions from
>>> and they're not
>>> seeing this commit.
>>> Any ideas what's going on, how to fix this?
>> Git submodules work the way that they point to a specific revision
>> that's known to work. So wpt-platform-tests repository was pointing to
>> an old version. I did a commit pointing it to the newest master of
>> wptserve.
>> It'll work correctly for new checkouts now. For the ones that already
>> have one, they should do an update:
>> git stash # Stash whatever you were working on (this saves non-committed
>> work)
>> git checkout master
>> git pull --ff-only
>> git submodule update # this should update wptserve now
>> git checkout <branch_you_were_working_on>
>> git stash pop # < this gets back your current non-committed work
> These are better instructions than mine, but you should insert a rebase
> before the git stash pop. It also assumes that master is tracking the
> w3c master rather than the user's own fork. I think something like the
> following might work generically:
> export UPSTREAM=$(git remote --verbose | grep w3c/web-platform-tests |
> head -n1 | cut -f1)
> git checkout master
> git fetch $UPSTREAM
> git merge --ff-only $UPSTREAM/master #If you have commits on master this
> will fail, but that's OK
> git submodule update --recursive
> git checkout @{-1}
> git rebase $UPSTREAM/master
> git stash pop

Received on Sunday, 3 August 2014 19:40:37 UTC