Re: Use of prefixes in tests

I removed the prefixes from the files. I should have double checked
before merging them.

The web perf tests are still not perfect since they don't run all the
tests everything single time, ie they might fail at the first and stop
running the remaining ones. Everytime I tried to to change, I'm unable
to come with a graceful of doing that doesn't obscure the test itself
however. So, it's still on my TODO list but didn't find a proper way
forward yet.


On Wed, 2013-09-11 at 15:23 +0100, James Graham wrote:
> I notice that webperftestharnessextension.js [1] has a lot of 
> browser-specific prefixes and that [2] fails in gecko because 
> "TypeError: this.performanceContext.webkitMark is undefined".
> Please don't add browser-specific features, including prefixes, to the 
> shared test repository, even if you make some attempt to be "fair" and 
> have one non-standard codepath per well-known implementation.
> Can I request that the owner of these tests fixes them? If this isn't 
> possible I will make the necessary changes myself.
> [1] 
> [2] 

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 13:32:09 UTC