Re: Knowing which tests are in the repository

On 22/08/2013 19:21 , Dirk Pranke wrote:
> Well, yeah, but that way you could at least not have to parse the
> testharness tests looking for references. Given that we have 10x the
> number of testharness tests as reftests in the web-platform-repo, this
> isn't a small thing.
> I'm not sure why this is much effort beyond a simple script and a bulk
> rename (and some retraining of authors or a commit hook ...), but at any
> rate this is hardly a deal-killer to me.

I'd really rather keep special name conventions for the rare cases, not 
the common ones. It takes four seconds to grep for "testharness" through 
the entire repository on an aging MBP with a slow disk that's doing 
plenty of other things. If we stick to looking for strings rather than 
try to parse I reckon we'll be fine.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 23 August 2013 13:20:44 UTC