Re: marking tests that require user interaction?

On 23/05/2013 13:36 , James Graham wrote:
> True, but not really the answer to the current question.
> As discussed on irc, the de-facto standard is to use a MANIFEST file with
> manual foo.html
> to indicate that a test is manual.
> That works with Mozilla's infrastructure at least and since they seem to
> be one of very few people actively importing W3C tests it makes sense to
> use a system that works for them.

My alternative proposal was to have manual tests called foo.manual.html, 
to avoid manifests going out of sync with reality. From there it's easy 
to generate a manifest automatically if needed.

But I'm happy to go with whatever is done by whoever does the work.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2013 12:17:13 UTC