Re: Action updates [Was: [Minutes] 15 Oct TPAC Program Committee meeting]

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Ian Jacobs <> wrote:
>> * Since we have lots of sessions in the wiki, we turned to logistics.
>>   a) Jeff suggested we use part of the agenda building time to accomplish multiple tasks in parallel, including:
>>        - Having people propose sessions
>>        - Doing some basic chair training
>>       One idea was to have a "Chairing a session good practices" break mid-way through agenda building.
>>       ACTION: Ian to propose a way to use 1 hour agenda building for parallel purposes (agenda building, chair training, participation encouragement)
> My proposal is that during the 1 hour agenda building session, Tantek and I do this:
>  - 5 minutes: Icebreaker (meet someone new)
>  - 5 minutes: How the day works. We answer a few FAQ questions and demonstrate how to put a session on the board.
>  - 40 minutes: People put sessions on the board
>  - 10 minutes: We go over good practices for running a session. [Note: People can still put sessions on the board during this time if necessary.] The reasons to put this session at the end of the hour are: (1) we don't waste time interrupting people during the agenda building frenzy and (2) the people who will be running sessions now know who they are and they may be more likely to pay attention.

This sounds like a good plan.

> I have also added some information about encouraging international participation (and managing language barriers) to the FAQ.

Looks good!

>>  b) Ian also remembered that we want to share the good practices with people in advance. This led to another action
>>     to be sure all the sequencing works (of when we will do what, and who will be where, etc.).
>>     ACTION: Ian to write up the choregraphy for tuesday evening through Weds
> I have added information to:
> I would like to organize a 30-minute rehearsal for newbies on Tuesday evening. I have written to Alexandra to get space.

This also sounds like a good idea. I'll be in the CSS WG f2f during
the day but will try to find you at the location indicated on the wiki
at that time.



Received on Thursday, 18 October 2012 21:16:34 UTC