GESTE recommends the use of TDMRep to french online providers

GESTE is the federation of French online publishers. Its members are: 
-> newspapers, TV broadcasters, radios, a music provider (Deezer), an observer mesurer analyser (Médiamétrie), a bank (boursorama), an online advertizer (Criteo) ...

A position paper has been released this week by GESTE.

Quick translation:

"GESTE encourages publishers to express their opposition to the use of their content without compensation and to reserve their rights. It will work with publishers to ensure that blocking crawlers does not alter the exposure of their content via the various referencing points and search results.

GESTE is also convinced that the adoption of standardized solutions will facilitate dialogue between players and generate virtuous cooperation. 

GESTE therefore recommends implementing the TDM Reservation Protocol, a standardized technical solution specifically developed within the framework of the W3C to address this issue. Optimized for the web, this solution is extremely simple to implement by rights holders and search operators. 

The choice of the TDM Reservation Protocol should not be seen as an expression of firm and definitive opposition to search, but rather, for publishers, as the necessary prerequisite for setting up licenses within a negotiated framework.  

Note that the TDM Reservation Protocol is designed to facilitate the acquisition of licenses for data mining, should rights holders wish to enter into such transactions."

Ouest France, Le Télégramme, l'Équipe, FranceTV, which are GESTE members, have already integrated our protocol on their websites. Others will follow. 

Best regards

Received on Monday, 18 September 2023 14:01:32 UTC