TDMRep EPUB technique drafted


An adaptation of our TDMRep protocol to EPUB files has been requested by several participants to the CG, especially Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (Germany), Elsevier (Germany), Gallimard (France), Eden Livres (France), or Penguin Random House (USA).

I proposed a solution during the last W3C Publishing Maintenance WG, which deals with the evolutions of EPUB 3. The idea seems good to the participants.
This solution is now drafted as an evolution of our TDMRep specification.

Please read and advise.

In this evolution of our specification, I only had to define an xml namespace, use our two favourite properties (reservation and policy), and define where they must be inserted and their scope. 

Next steps: 
1. Please comment on the issue I just opened 
2. We'll plan a conference call in early December, discuss the details, and check for a consensus.
3. Once finalised, we'll replace the current final report with this new one. 

Another point: those of you who participated in the webinar organised by Google received "a community feedback questionnaire about developing machine-readable means to provide web publisher choice and control for emerging AI and research use cases".

Have some of you already filled it? What was your point, if I may ask (private answers are ok)? 

Best regards
Laurent Le Meur

Received on Sunday, 26 November 2023 22:26:46 UTC