Re: [TalentSignal] Other requirements in JobPostings

OK, I have raised an issue 
<> [1] at 
for these properties and put in a pull request 
<> [2] for code changes 
that implement them.

I would like to consider some properties for an Employer Overview, 
industry coding and Job contact details next. Let me know if you have 
other priorities, otherwise I'll start a thread for them next week.

Onward and upward!



On 23/10/2019 12:02, Phil Barker wrote:
> Hello all,
> So far we have had some discussion that we might add different 
> terms(*) to those originally suggested, and some that we might reduce 
> the number terms by consolidating Physical and Sensory requirements. I 
> haven't got the impression of any strong feelings for either, so I 
> suggest we proceed with the four below for the following reasons:
>   * It's easy enough to add new terms later
>   * It's easier to deal with the consequences of merging terms in the
>     light of experience than it is to deal with splitting them
>   * Alignment with JDX JobSchema+ is a good thing
>   * Separate properties for Physical and Sensory requirements aligns
>     well with these being separate categories of ability in ONet
>     <> [1]
>     --another good thing.
> Noting these categories in ONet, I also think it is worth adding 
> DefinedTerm to the list of acceptable types for relevant properties. 
> However, while a defined term can precisely identify the ability 
> required it cannot as it stands identify the extent. So with defined 
> term you can say that a job requires dynamic strength 
> <>, but not 
> how much.  I think this is something worth discussing with the wider 
> community as I think any solution would not be limited to 
> our domain.
> I have summarized this in an updated wikipage for this issue 
> <> 
> [2]. Unless I hear otherwise I will proceed to make a proposal for 
> adding these to
> Best regards, Phil
> (If you are DC for the Talent Forward conference tomorrow,  say hello 
> if you see me)
> * (from Merrilea, to cover travel, shift work, permits, vehicle ownership)
> 1.
> 2. 
> On 14/10/2019 09:53, Phil Barker wrote:
>> Hello all, we have four potential properties identified from the 
>> analysis of the JDX JobSchema+ 
>> <>[1] 
>> as missing from that relate to requirements other than 
>> those for competencies and credentials. These are
>>   * Citizenship Requirement "Country of applicant's citizenship"
>>   * Physical Requirement "Resource identifying types of physical
>>     activity associated with a job"
>>   * Security Clearance Requirement "Description of any security
>>     clearance requirements for the job"
>>   * Sensory Requirement "Resource identifying sensory requirements
>>     and levels necessary to function on the job including hearing and
>>     vision"
>> Do you agree that these would be useful additions?  Does anyone have 
>> any data or evidence for how common it is to find this type of 
>> requirement in job postings?
>> Might we combine Physical and Sensory? (FWIW, I'm happy to keep them 
>> separate)
>> Would you be happy with them all to take text & URL as values: i.e. 
>> provide values as free text or a link to a description. The exception 
>> might be for Citizenship Requirement.
>> All the best, Phil.
>> 1. 
>> -- 
>> Phil Barker <>.
>> CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy for 
>> innovation in education technology.
>> PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance 
>> learning; information systems for education.
>> CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
>> England number OC399090
>> PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
>> number SC569282.
> -- 
> Phil Barker <>.
> PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance 
> learning; information systems for education.
> CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy for 
> innovation in education technology.
> PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
> number SC569282.
> CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
> England number OC399090

Phil Barker <>.
CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy for 
innovation in education technology.
PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.

CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
England number OC399090
PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
number SC569282.

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2019 19:22:46 UTC