RE: [TalentSignal] Other requirements in JobPostings

Useful?  Yes.  Common?  Probably not.

And I agree with combining “Physical” and “Sensory”, as the latter is really a subset of the former.

- Joseph

From: Phil Barker <>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 9:54 AM
Subject: [TalentSignal] Other requirements in JobPostings

Hello all, we have four potential properties identified from the analysis of the JDX JobSchema+<>[1] as missing from that relate to requirements other than those for competencies and credentials. These are

  *   Citizenship Requirement "Country of applicant's citizenship"
  *   Physical Requirement "Resource identifying types of physical activity associated with a job"
  *   Security Clearance Requirement "Description of any security clearance requirements for the job"
  *   Sensory Requirement "Resource identifying sensory requirements and levels necessary to function on the job including hearing and vision"

Do you agree that these would be useful additions?  Does anyone have any data or evidence for how common it is to find this type of requirement in job postings?

Might we combine Physical and Sensory? (FWIW, I'm happy to keep them separate)

Would you be happy with them all to take text & URL as values: i.e. provide values as free text or a link to a description. The exception might be for Citizenship Requirement.

All the best, Phil.



Phil Barker<>.

CETIS LLP<>: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education technology.
PJJK Limited<>: technology to enhance learning; information systems for education.

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Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2019 11:46:44 UTC