The W3C TAG will meet 18-20 March 2013 in Cambridge, MA

In an effort to best accommodate as many as possible of new and incumbent 
TAG members, the meeting we had tentatively planned for March in San Jose 
has been reschduled.

The TAG will meet 18-20 March 2013 at the W3C offices in Cambridge, MA USA. 
TAG members have been sent details about the meeting logistics.

I expect that we will spend the period between now and the March meeting 
focused on several main themes:

* Identifying high value ongoing work that we may wish to
   pursue, and as necessary reassigning resources to get it done

* Identifying other work that we should wrap up

* Planning for a March meeting at which a main goal will be
   to get organized around new initiatives and goals,
   reflecting in part the ideas that arose during the discussions
   leading up to the TAG election. Please send ideas to
   the public list, or if for any reason
   widespread distribution is inappropriate, to the TAG
   member list ( or to me personally.

Thank you.


Received on Sunday, 27 January 2013 00:49:33 UTC