TAG First Public Working Draft: Usage Patterns For Client-Side URI parameters

The TAG is pleased to announce the publication of a first public working 
draft titled "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URI parameters" [1,2].  From 
the Absract:

[...] As highly interactive applications get built using Web parts (HTML, 
CSS and JavaScript component resources that are themselves Web addressible 
— see [tvr-cacm2009], there is an increasing need for encoding interaction 
state as part of the URI. The Web is beginning to discover and codify 
design patterns based on fragment identifiers for many of these use cases.

This draft finding is being prepared in response to TAG ISSUE-60 . This 
document explores the issues that arise in this context, and attempts to 
define best practices that help:

    *   Create URIs for intermediate pages in a Web application so that 
the back button does the right thing
    *   Enable clients to address into specific points in a stream of 
content, e.g., video. 

The goal of this finding is to initially collect the various usage 
scenarios that are leading to innovative uses of client-side URI 
parameters, along with the solutions that have been developed by the Web 
community. When this exercise is complete, this finding will conclude by 
ensuring that these design patterns are mutually compatible. If some of 
these usage patterns are identified as being in conflict, we will 
recommend best practices that help side-step such conflicts. We encourage 
the wider Web community to point us at emerging usage scenarios and design 
patterns so that we maximize our chances of arriving at a final finding 
that helps move forward the architecture of the Web in a self-consistent 

The TAG welcomes comments, which should be sent to www-tag@w3.org.  Thank 


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/hash-in-uri/

[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-hash-in-uri-20090415/

Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Thursday, 16 April 2009 20:25:59 UTC