Summary of TAG activity from 10 Sep to 10 Oct 2003

Dear www-tag,

This is a summary of the TAG's activity from 10 Sep 2003 
(end date of the previous summary [1]) to 10 Oct 2003.

The TAG held two teleconferences and one face-to-face meeting
during this period. Summaries of those meetings are linked from
the TAG home page [2].


1) Issues

  The TAG did not open or close any issues during this period.

  The TAG focused on the following issues during this period:
  rdfURIMeaning-39, namespaceDocument-8, whenToUseGet-7,
  contentTypeOverride-24, xmlIdSemantics-32,
  contentPressentation-26, metadataInURI-32,
  Details about discussions and related actions are available in
  the meeting minutes linked from the TAG's home page. The TAG's
  issues list is available at:

2) Findings

  The TAG published two new draft findings during this period:

    "Versioning XML Languages"

    "Separation of semantic and presentational markup, to the
    extent possible, is architecturally sound"

  Based on feedback from the community, the TAG revised and
  accepted the following finding:

    "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST"

  There was also a new version of this draft finding published:
    "How should the problem of identifying ID semantics in 
     XML languages be addressed in the absence of a DTD?"

  The TAG continues to work on a number of other draft findings.
  More information about TAG findings is available at:

3) Architecture Document

  The TAG published two Editor's Drafts and one Working Draft of
  "Architecture of the World Wide Web" during this period. The
  1 October 2003 Working Draft is available at:

  The TAG focused on the Architecture Document at its
  face-to-face meeting in Bristol by walking through the entire
  document.  The TAG is still aiming for a Last Call after their
  November face-to-face meeting.

  The list of changes to the Architecture Document is available at:

4) Upcoming events.

  The TAG will meet face-to-face in November, in Japan. The TAG
  will report on its progress to the Advisory Committee that
  same week.

For co-Chairs Stuart Williams and Tim Berners-Lee,
Ian Jacobs

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2003 12:14:43 UTC