9 July 2003 draft of "Client handling of MIME headers" available
9 July 2003 draft of "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST" available
[Minutes] 14 Jul 2003 TAG teleconf (WS visibility, Extensibility, Arch Doc, Charmod conformance)
[Minutes] 28 July 2003 TAG teleconf (URI/Resource/Representation/httpRange-14)
[Minutes] 7 Jul 2003 TAG teleconf (contentTypeOverride-24 (and Voice spec), whenToUseGet-7, metadataInURI-31)
Arch Doc: 15 July 2003 Editor's Draft
Arch Doc: 16 July 2003 Editor's Draft
Last message date: Monday, 28 July 2003 18:50:27 UTC