Re: Discussion on current status and next step of contacts API, Data Store API and TCP and UDP Socket API

Hi. Eduardo.
Sounds great! Then I would like to bring this spec to LCWD as soon as
possible. What do you think?

Do anyone have implementation of this spec? or Do anyone have a plan for
implementing this spec in the near future?

Kr, Wonsuk.

2014-08-12 20:28 GMT+09:00 EDUARDO FULLEA CARRERA <>:

>  Hi Wonsuk,
> IMO there is no major issue with the current draft if we decide not to
> apply DataStore.
> Best regards,
> Eduardo.
> *De:* Wonsuk Lee []
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014 2:00
> *CC:*; 'Wonsuk Lee'; 'Marcos Caceres'
> *Asunto:* RE: Discussion on current status and next step of contacts API,
> Data Store API and TCP and UDP Socket API
> Hi. Editors.
> Could you share your opinions about below email? I would like to know
> current status and next step of Contacts Manager API spec.
> Thanks in advance!
> Kr, Wonsuk.
> *From:* Wonsuk Lee [ <>]
> *Sent:* Friday, June 27, 2014 2:58 AM
> *To:* Marcos Caceres
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: Discussion on current status and next step of contacts
> API, Data Store API and TCP and UDP Socket API
> Hi. Marcos and Chris.
> In case of Contacts Manager API, previously we had long discussion for
> apply DataStore API to Contacts. But as Marcos said DataStore API was
> dropped. So I would like to know which kinds of outstanding issues are
> there in the spec? It's quite long time ago, but as far as I remember,
> there are not many major issues. Is it right? Also I would like to know the
> next step for this.
> Kr, Wonsuk.
> 2014-06-27 2:36 GMT+09:00 Wonsuk Lee <>:
> Hi. Marcos.
> Thanks for reply!
> I added inline comments.
> 2014-06-27 0:23 GMT+09:00 Marcos Caceres <>:
> On June 26, 2014 at 11:00:44 AM, Wonsuk Lee ( wrote:
> > Hi. Editors!
> > I would like to know exactly about current status and next step of
> contacts
> > API, Data Store API and TCP and UDP Socket API specs. What are
> outstanding
> > issues or blockers for them?
> We want to drop DataStore - we don't want to standardize it. We ended up
> using named IDB stores in FxOS instead.
> Can I ask reason why to make that kind of decision? Gene also agreed with
> this decision. right? just want to know :-)
> We need to settle on the underlying Stream before TCP/UDP can happen.
> Do you know status of Stream API spec? When do you expect that Stream API
> will be be settled down?
> Kr, Wonsuk.
> --
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> 이 원 석 (Wonsuk, Lee) / Principal Engineer, Ph.D
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이 원 석 (Wonsuk, Lee) / Principal Engineer, Ph.D
Mobile: +82-10-5800-3997
E-mail:,, twitter: @wonsuk73
Inspire the World, Create the Future !!!

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 15:24:30 UTC