Re: [W3S SysApps]: Application Management (was RE: Life cycle and security model - status)

On Oct 16, 2013, at 5:06 PM, "Nilsson, Claes1" <> wrote:

> Thanks for starting this thread Virginie. This is a good discussion.
> I also agree that some kind of vision/global architecture would be useful. Furthermore we must dig out which parts to be normatively standardized. Looking into the deprecated(?) specification I think that one part is Application Management, There may be some overlap with but I suggest that a separate "Application management for installed web applications" API specification is created based on section 4 in the old runtime specification. 

Would this be a companion spec to the Manifest similar to what the Widget interface is to config.xml (i.e. an object representation of the parsed manifest), or something else?

If we leave out the on* events and state, that leaves us with:

interface Application {
    readonly    attribute DOMString     origin;
    readonly    attribute Object        manifest;
    readonly    attribute DOMString     installOrigin;
    readonly    attribute unsigned long installTime;
    readonly    attribute Object        parameters;
    DOMRequest      launch ();
    DOMRequest      uninstall ();
    readonly    attribute DOMString     updateState;
    readonly    attribute unsigned long downloadSize;
    DownloadRequest downloadUpdate ();
    void            hide ();
    void            exit ();

I assume you already have some use cases in mind you'd like to share with us?



Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 15:08:02 UTC