Re: Status of rest proposals (Messaging, Telephony and Raw Sockets)

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 1:18 AM, Wonsuk Lee <> wrote:
> Hi. All.
> We have developed three FPWDs out of six phase 1 items. So I would like to
> hear current status of rest proposals including major issues for going FPWD
> respectively.
> - Messaging API

This is very close to an FPWD. We are in the last round of alignment
for SMS+MMS.
USSD should not belong to Messaging, but to TelephonyService (API is
missing, but has been drafted).

About email, then IM+group chat: I can draft specs which build upon
the structures defined in the SMS+MMS spec, but there would be
separate proposals for email, IM, and group chat, respectively. I am
on the opinion that drafting at least email and P2P IM would be
beneficial even if we decide on the F2F to focus only on SMS+MMS.
Group chat is a bit more complex, and the need is small. I expect to
finish these specs by the F2F.

> - Telephony API

This still has some discussions, but I hope to get them cleared during
this week. The target is to have FPWD soon.

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 18 March 2013 09:18:19 UTC