- From: Kis, Zoltan <zoltan.kis@intel.com>
- Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 13:49:34 +0300
- To: Josh Soref <jsoref@blackberry.com>
- Cc: sysapps <public-sysapps@w3.org>
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:06 AM, Josh Soref <jsoref@blackberry.com> wrote: > The description for disconnected [1] says: >> The multiparty call has been disconnected and this object is invalid for call control. In this final state, the implementation MUST raise an ILLEGAL_STATE exception when any method call is attempted. > > Descriptions should really be informative, and shouldn't include normative (MUST) language. I think I wanted to avoid saying the same things twice. The solution may be to use Anssi's patch [3] and discard the short descriptions. Will update the spec, thanks. > > Note that not all methods trigger the same error state when one takes a call/conference which is in "disconnected". I need to update the spec on this. When a call is disconnected, and the 'ondisconnected' handler returns, the object is disposable, regardless if it is ConferenceCall or TelephonyCall. > > * `split` will trigger InvalidModificationError instead. > * removeParticipant supposedly will ask the system to do work... BTW removeParticipant may be removed from this version if we bind the spec to old legacy mobile specs. > On the subject of normatives, CallHistoryEntry Interface [2] says: > "This section is non-normative." > "This interface describes the properties which MUST be supported for call history entries." > "For multiparty call there MUST be a separate object for each call participant, sharing the same value for the conferenceId property." > > Non-normative sections SHOULD NOT use RFC words.... Yes. I will correct the spec. Thanks for pointing out these issues. Best regards, Zoltan > [1] http://telephony.sysapps.org/#multiparty-steps > [2] http://telephony.sysapps.org/#callhistoryentry-interface [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/spec-prod/2013JanMar/0006.html
Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 10:50:05 UTC