- From: Ilona Zaremba <ilona.zaremba@sti2.at>
- Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 16:12:52 +0100
- To: undisclosed-recipients:;
======================================================================== C A L L F O R P A P E R S ======================================================================== Workshop on Middleware for the Semantic Web: Enabling a Web of Knowledge and Services http://events.sti-innsbruck.at/msw-icsc2008/ At the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing http://icsc.eecs.uci.edu/ August 4-7, 2008, Santa Clara, CA, USA ======================================================================== WORKSHOP INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES ==================================== The vision of the Semantic Web has always been a global Web of knowledge parallel to the existing Web of data. This vision has been returned to numerous times, including the call for ISWC 2005 to "put the Web back in the Semantic Web", or Tim Berners-Lee's recent post on the Giant Global Graph. While standards and technology progress towards maturity, and Semantic Computing is reaching readiness for isolated application (e.g., behind company firewalls), the challenges of the originally envisioned global Semantic Web have received less attention. We expect millions, even billions, of knowledge and service providers and consumers to interact, integrate and coordinate (Figure 1). Technological solutions paying tribute to the issues of scalability, heterogeneity, dynamism, distributedness and openness that come along in such an environment are thus a necessity. With this workshop we aim at bringing together promising cutting-edge middleware and Semantic Computing research, which - in integration and coordination rather than in current isolation - address the aforementioned challenges and can form a new semantic middleware layer that enables the global Web of knowledge and services, and hence the true Semantic Web vision. We address the traditional issues of data and process heterogeneity, however with a clear focus on large-scale, open and distributed environments, i.e. in settings that match the Semantic Web in the true Web sense, rather than on a corporate or even application level. In consequence the workshop focuses on three cutting edge Semantic Computing research areas whose integration is expected to enable the new semantic middleware: * access and discovery to distributed knowledge * semantic service oriented architectures * integration and coordination of knowledge and service providers and consumers The workshop will collect the best results from these fields, while clearly favoring proposals that might deliver solutions to all three of them. We clearly focus on approaches that exploit the synergies between the three fields in order to develop novel and promising technologies towards a global Web of knowledge and services. TOPICS AND APPLICATIONS ======================= We welcome original academia and industry papers or project descriptions that propose innovative approaches to build a semantic middleware layer for the Web. The topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to: * Languages, programming and implementation techniques for middleware technology * Extensions of existing middleware such as Web services, GRID, tuplespaces, message oriented middleware with semantic technologies * Software architecture and software engineering techniques for building semantic middleware * The usage of ontologies and reasoning in relation with middleware technologies * Methods to deal with the complexity of managing distributed knowledge and processes * Methods to deal with coordination of distributed services and applications working with semantic data * Metadata infrastructures for the modeling and management of semantic middleware * Self-organization in semantic middleware systems * Reasoning about middleware structures, tasks and behavior * Meta-level architectures and reflective middleware: inspection and adaptation * Mobility-aware semantic middleware * Practical experiences in using semantic middleware to realize service-oriented architectures, knowledge engineering systems, i.e. the Web of knowledge * Deployment perspectives for future semantic middleware * Studies on existing and emerging target markets for semantically enabled middleware IMPORTANT DATES =============== Submission Deadline: April 4, 2008 Notification: May 5, 2008 Camera-Ready & Registration: May 16, 2008 SUBMISSION AND PROCEEDINGS ========================== Authors should submit a 6-page paper in double-column IEEE format following the submission guidelines available on the ICSC2008 Web page. All workshop papers will be included in the IEEE conference proceedings. Please submit your contributions via EDAS: http://edas.info ORGANIZERS ========== Elena Simperl, Semantic Technology Institute - University of Innsbruck, Austria Reto Krummenacher, Semantic Technology Institute - University of Innsbruck, Austria Lyndon JB Nixon, Dept. Computer Science - Free University Berlin, Germany Robert Tolksdorf, Dept. Computer Science - Free University Berlin, Germany CONTACT ======= Reto Krummenacher University of Innsbruck (Semantic Technology Institute) Technikerstr. 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria E reto.krummenacher@sti2.at T +43 512 507 6452 F +43 512 507 9872 --
Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 15:35:14 UTC