- From: Nick Bassiliades <nbassili@csd.auth.gr>
- Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:38:21 +0200
- To: protege-discussion@mailman.stanford.edu, protege-OWL@mailman.stanford.edu, protege-users@mailman.stanford.edu, public-rif-wg@w3.org, public-sws-ig@w3.org
[ our apologies should you receive this message more than one time ] 2008 International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2008) October 30-31, 2008, Orlando, Florida http://2008.ruleml.org ===================================================================== Co-located with: The 11th International Business Rules Forum http://www.businessrulesforum.com ===================================================================== Sponsored by: Silver level: Model Systems Bronze level: STI Innsbruck, ruleCore, JBoss ===================================================================== In Co-operation with: AAAI, W3C, BPM-Forum, Business Rules Forum , ECCAI, OASIS, OMG, European Business Rules Conference, Belgium Business Rules Forum, ACM SIGART, ACM SIGMIS, ACM SIGWEB, Open Research Society, IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society IEEE SMCS TC on Intelligent Internet Systems IEEE SMCS TC on Distributed Intelligent Systems IEEE Computer Society TC on Autonomous and Autonomic Systems (pending) ===================================================================== Media Partners: Springer LNCS (pending approval), MoDo Marketing ===================================================================== Call for Papers Collocated with the 11th International Business Rules Forum, the 2008 International Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2008) is the second symposium (after last year's highly successful RuleML-2007 - http://2007.ruleml.org/) devoted to work on practical distributed rule technologies and rule-based applications which need language standards for rules operating in the context of, e.g., the Semantic Web, Intelligent Multi- Agent Systems, Event-Driven Architectures and Service-Oriented Computing Applications. The RuleML symposium is a new kind of event where the Web Rules and Logic community joins the established, practically oriented Forum of the Business Rules community (http://www.businessrulesforum.com) to help cross- fertilizing between Web and Business Logic technology. The goal of RuleML-2008 is to bring together rule system providers, representatives of, and participants in, rule standardization efforts (e.g., SBVR, RuleML, RIF, PRR, CL) and open source rules communities (e.g., jBoss Rules, CLIPS/Jess, Prova, OO jDrew, Mandarax, XSB, XQuery), practitioners and technical experts, developers, users, and researchers. They will be offered an exciting venue to exchange new ideas, practical developments and experiences on issues pertinent to the interchange and application of rules in open distributed environments such as the Web. The Symposium gives emphasis on practical issues such as technical contributions and show case demonstrations of effective, practical, deployable rule-based technologies, rule interchange formats and applications as well as discussions of lessons learned that have to be taken into account when employing rule-based technologies in distributed, (partially) open, heterogeneous environments. We also welcome groundwork that helps to build an effective, practical, and deployable rule standard, improve rule technology, provide better understanding of the integration and interchange of rules, and make the current generation of rule engines and rule technology more usable for advanced Web and Service Oriented Architectures. RuleML-2008 highlights include: - Plenary keynotes and a joint Boxed Lunch Panel about "Rules on the Web" together with the Business Rules Forum featuring prominent and visionary speakers. - There will be a joint keynote between RuleML-2008 and RR2008 (http://www.rr-conference.org/RR2008/), which will be broadcast from RR2008 to RuleML-2008. - A RuleML-2008 Challenge with prizes to demonstrate tools, use cases, and applications - Industry, demo and scientific research & development papers and presentations advancing and assessing the state of the art in event and rule- based systems selected in a peer-reviewed fashion by an international program committee - Invited talks given by leaders from industry and world-class experts featuring practical topics on event and rule-based computing and industry success stories - Social events to promote networking among the symposium delegates in an informal setting. Topics of Interest ------------------ We invite industry practitioners, rule system providers, technical experts and developers, rule users, and researchers who are using rule-based systems, developing systems and applications, or exploring problems and best practices (especially in the areas of system interoperability, rule interchange, or business agility), to share their ideas, results, and experiences. We invite submissions related (but not limited to) to one or more of the following topics: - Representation and meta-annotation of rules and rule sets (modules) for publication and interchange - Collaborative authoring, modeling and engineering of rule specifications and rule repositories - Information integration of external data and domain knowledge into rules - Homogeneous and heterogeneous integration of rules and ontologies - Rules in Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 - Rules in Semantic Web Technologies - Rules in Web Intelligence Research - Hybrid rule systems - Management and maintenance of distributed rule bases and rule repositories during their lifecycle - Interchange and refactoring of rule bases in heterogeneous execution environments - Verification and validation of interchanged rule bases in heterogeneous execution environments - Contributions on effective, practical, and deployable Web standards on rules as well as special purpose, vertical domain rule languages - Rule-based agility and its role in middleware - Communication between rule based systems using interchange formats and processing / communication middleware - Applications, products, research, and development in rule-based, distributed complex event processing, event communication and reaction rules - Event-driven/action rule languages and models - Rule-based Event Processing Languages and rule-based CEP - Rule patterns and CEP patterns - Practical solutions tackling the real-world Software Engineering requirements of rule-based systems in open, distributed environments - Modeling of executable rule specifications and tool support - Execution models, rule engines, and environments - Compilation vs. interpretation approaches of rules - Applications and integration of rules in web standards - Rule-based software agents and (web) services - Applications of rules in the Semantic Web and Pragmatic Web - Comparing and advancing the state of current business rules engines and management system tools - Rule interchange standards and related industry interchange formats - Interoperation between different rule formats and ontological domain conceptualization - Applications based on (Semantic) Web rule standardization or standards- proposing efforts - Translation of interchangeable and domain-independent rule formats and rule models into executable technical rule specifications - Extraction and reengineering of platform-independent, interchangeable rules and rule models from existing platform-specific resources - Natural-language processing of rules - Graphical processing, modelling and rendering of rules - Incorporation of rule technology into distributed enterprise application architectures - Rule-based policies and electronic contracts: their specification, execution and management - Languages for exchanging and processing information through the web - E-contracting and automated negotiations with rule-based declarative strategies - Applications of rules in e.g. legal reasoning, compliance rules, security, IT government, security, risk management, trust and proof reasoning, etc. - Rule-based (multi-valued) reasoning with and representing uncertain and fuzzy information - Rule-based reasoning with non-monotonic negation, modalities, deontic, temporal, priority, scoped or other rule qualifications - Rule-based default reasoning with default logic, defeasible logic, and answer set programming RuleML-2008 Challenge --------------------- RuleML-2008 Challenge addresses the practical use of rule technologies in distributed and/or Web-based environments. The focus of the challenge is on rule technologies (including rule languages and engines), interoperation and interchange. The challenge offers participants the chance to demonstrate their commercial and open source tools, use cases, and applications. Prizes will be awarded to the two best applications. All accepted demos will be presented in a special Challenge Session. Intentionally, this year's challenge (as last year) does not define a specific task, data set, application domain, or technology to be used because the potential applicability of rules is very broad. Instead, a number of minimal criteria were defined which allow people to submit a broad range of applications. A submission to RuleML challenge has to meet the minimal requirement that declarative rules explicitly play a central role in the application. Basically this means that: - Rules are explicitly represented in a declarative format and they are decoupled from the application (rather than being compiled or hard-coded into the application logic). - Rules are used in interesting and practically relevant ways to, e.g., derive useful information, transform knowledge, provide decision support, provide automated rule-based monitoring, enforcement, validation or management of the behavioural logic of the application. The demo should preferably (but not necessarily) be embedded into a web-based or distributed environment so that there will be a need for features related to the ruleml conference topics, as listed in the call for papers. More details will be available on the RuleML-2008 web site. Important Dates --------------- - Paper Submissions due June 2, 2008 - Notification of acceptance July 18, 2008 - Final submissions due August 9, 2008 - Symposium date October 30-31, 2008 - RuleML Challenge October 30, 2008 Symposium Proceedings and Submission Details -------------------------------------------- Authors are invited to submit original contributions of practical relevance and technical rigor in the field, experience reports and show case / use case demonstrations of effective, practical, deployable rule-based technologies or applications in distributed environments. Papers must be in English and may be submitted at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ruleml2008 as: - Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings) - Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings) - RuleML-2008 Challenge Demo Paper + Show Cases (3-5 pages in the proceedings) Please upload all submissions as PDF files in LNCS format (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). To ensure high quality, submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Authors are requested to upload their complete papers by June 2, 2008. The selected papers will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series (pending) along with a CD with demo software and documents. The best paper from all submissions will be determined by the PC and a Best Paper Award will be handed over at the Symposium by a Sponsor. All submissions must be done electronically via http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ruleml2008. We will pursue the publication of a selection of revised papers to a special issue of a high- quality journal. Submissions to the RuleML Challenge 2008 consist of a demo paper of 3-5 pages, describing the demo show case, and a link to more information about the demo/show case, e.g. a project site, an online demonstration, a presentation, or a download site. If the link is password-protected: then please submit a password for anonymous login from any Web browser, giving us the permission to pass the password on to 3 PC members. The submissions should satisfy the minimal requirements defined in the topics of interest. The demos will be evaluated by an independent jury of experts during RuleML-2008 and prizes will be awarded to the first two best applications. Please do not hesitate to email to the appropriate Symposium Chair(s), if you have any questions. Organizing Committee -------------------- General Chair Adrian Paschke, Technical University Dresden, Germany adrian.paschke AT biotec.tu-dresden.de Program Co-Chairs Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece nbassili AT csd.auth.gr Guido Governatori, University of Queensland, Australia guido AT itee.uq.edu.au Challenge Co-Chairs Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania badica_costin AT software.ucv.ro Yuh-Jong Hu, National Chengchi University, Taiwan hu AT cs.nccu.edu.tw Panel Co-Chairs John Hall, Model Systems, UK john.hall AT modelsys.com Axel Polleres, DERI Galway, Ireland axel AT polleres.net Liaison Co-Chairs Mark Proctor, JBoss Rules, UK mproctor AT redhat.com Rainer von Ammon, CITT GmbH, Germany vonammon AT t-online.de Jan Vanthienen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Jan.Vanthienen AT econ.kuleuven.be Publicity Co-Chairs Matthias Nickles, University of Bath, UK M.L.Nickles AT cs.bath.ac.uk Tracy Bost, Valocity, USA tbost AT valocity.com (Sponsoring levels: http://2008.ruleml.org/sponsoring/) Web Chair Suzanne Embury, University of Manchester, UK Suzanne.Embury AT manchester.ac.uk Program Committee -------------------- - Asaf Adi, IBM, Israel - Grigoris Antoniou, University of Crete-FORTH, Greece - Sidney Bailin, Knowledge Evolution, USA - Matteo Baldoni, University of Torino, Italy - Cristina Baroglio, University of Torino, Italy - Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs - Tim Bass, SilkRoad Inc. - Bernhard Bauer, University of Augsburg, Germany - Mikael Berndtsson, University of Skovde, Sweden - Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University, Canada - Pedro Bizarro, University of Coimbra, Portugal - Peter Bollen, University of Maastricht, Netherlands - Christian Brelage, SAP Research, Germany - Donald Chapin, Business Semantics Ltd, UK - Shyi-Ming Chen, National University of Science and Technology, Taiwan - Jorge Cuellar, Siemens, Germany - Mike Dean, BBN Technologies, USA - Stan Devitt, Agfa Healthcare, Ontario, Canada - Jens Dietrich, Massey University, New Zeeland - Jurgen Dix, Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Germany - Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria - Andreas Eberhart, Portland State University, USA - Opher Etzion, IBM Research Laboratory Haifa, Israel - Dieter Fensel, DERI Innsbruck, Austria - Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada - Adrian Giurca, Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany - Stijn Goedertier, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium - Robert Golan, DBmind Technologies, USA - Christine Golbreich, University Rennes, France - Tom Gordon, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, Germany - Marek Hatala, Simon Fraser University, Canada - Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, University of Patras, Greece - Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece - Manolis Koubarakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece - Alex Kozlenkov, Betfair Ltd., UK - Holger Lausen, DERI Innsbruck, Austria - John Lee, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong - Mark Linehan, IBM Research, USA - Heiko Ludwig, IBM Watson Research, USA - Mirko Malekovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia - Christopher J. Matheus, Vistology, USA - Craig McKenzie, Science Applications International, USA - Jing Mei, IBM Research Lab China, China - Zoran Milosevic, Deontik Inc, Australia - Jang Minsu, E&T Research Institute, Korea - Leora Morgenstern, Stanford, USA - Gero Muehl, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany - Jorg Muller, TU Clausthal, Germany - Chieko Nakabasami, Toyo University, Japan - Ilkka Niemela, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland - Bart Orriens, Tilburg University, Netherlands - Jeff Pan, University of Aberdeen, UK - Paula-Lavinia Patranjan, Rewerse, Germany - Jon Pellant, Pega Systems Inc., USA - Jeff Pollock, Oracle, USA - Alun Preece, Cardiff University, UK - Maher Rahmouni, HP Labs - Girish Ranganathan, University of New Brunswick, Canada - Dave Reynolds, HP, England - Graham Rong, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA - Antonio Rotolo, CIRSFID, University of Bologna, Italy - Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon University, USA - Christian de Sainte Marie, ILOG, France - Marco Seirio, ruleCore, Sweden - Timos Sellis, Institute for the Management of Information Systems and National Technical University of Athens, Greece - Michael Sintek, DFKI, Germany - Silvie Spreeuwenberg, LibRT, The Netherlands - Giorgos Stamou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece - Giorgos Stoilos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece - Terrance Swift, XSB Inc., USA - Kuldar Taveter, University of Melbourne, Australia - James Taylor, Fair Isaac Corp., USA - Vagan Terziyan, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland - Paul Vincent, TIBCO Software, USA - George Vouros, University of the Aegean, Greece - Kewen Wang, Griffith University, Australia - Mehmet Emre Yegen, Ygntec Inc., USA
Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 08:39:20 UTC