- From: Xuan Shi <Xuan.Shi@mail.wvu.edu>
- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:08:45 -0400
- To: "merrychang79" <merrychang79@163.com>, "Carine Bournez" <carine@w3.org>
- Cc: <public-sws-ig@w3.org>
Don't be confused - there is a big differentiation in this SWS-IG as semantic-Web services (SWs) vs. semantic Web-services (sWS). SWs, including OWL-S and WSMO, focus on the services on the semantic Web, thus in nature, SWs are (semantic) Web-based services. Here are the problems: 1. first of all, Carine should tell all people that SWs are not about Web services specified by W3C, as I quoted many many times: W3C said @ http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/NOTE-ws-gloss-20040211/ "Web service There are many things that might be called "Web services" in the world at large. However, for the purpose of this Working Group and this architecture, and without prejudice toward other definitions, we will use the following definition: A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards." Unfortunately, OWL-S declared clearly, from 2001 to 2006 that: "Among the most important web resources are those that provide services. By "service'' we mean Web sites that do not merely provide static information but allow one to effect some action or change in the world, such as the sale of a product or the control of a physical device. The Semantic Web should enable users to locate, select, employ, compose, and monitor Web-based services automatically." By service, it means a Web site or Web-based service. Thus the so-called services in OWL-S is included in that "many things" rather than Web services. WSMO claimed that it's almost the same as OWL-S with some differences. Then, regretfully, WSMO is almost the same problematic as OWL-S since it talks about semantic-Web (based) services. Such conclusion has been demonstrated by SWs tutorials like: http://www.wsmo.org/TR/d17/resources/200507-ICWS/SWStutorial-iswc05.ppt In this typical tutorial, the focus of OWL-S and WSMO is VTA (slide #63), a Web-based services, rather than FlightBooking or HotelBooking - the two real WSDL Web Services. For semantic-Web (based) services, or services on the semantic Web, the interest is in VTA for service aggregation or mediation. For semantic Web-services, however, the interest is in FlightBooking (e.g. US Airway) or HotelBooking (e.g. Hilton) - the two real WSDL Web Services. Then Hilton has no interest, responsibility and right to handle service issues of US Airway. That's a big difference. For this SWS-IG, it's clearly stated that "The Semantic Web Services Interest Group is part of the Web Services Activity", not part of semantic Web activity. Regretfully in that tutorial, there is little about those two Web-services, but full of service aggregation and mediation - with little relation with the semantics of those two real Web-services. 2. OWL-S is based on assumption - although Parry denied such a fact in the past month. Please see this article - "Bringing Semantics to Web Services: The OWL-S Approach" @ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~softagents/papers/OWL-S-SWSWPC2004-final.pdf in which it clearly stated that "OWL-S is based on the assumption that the definitions of these semantic concepts are available at referenced URIs on the Semantic Web, ...". Where is the semantic Web? It's not in existence yet, while McCool said in IEEE Internet Computing that Semantic Web failed and will fail as OWL is incapable to do certain kinds of jobs, although such a conclusion may result in controversy. As for the automatic service discovery, matchmaking, composition and excecution, it is more problematic for OWL-S as you see: - there is no real Web service registry, then where can service discovery be implemented? SWs may have a solution as they are Web-based services and then they may search on the Web? - there is no real Web service, let alone service semantics (McCool, 2005/2006), then how can service matchmaking be implemented? - OWL-S has been focusing on service composition based on its assumption, without the support of a service registry (and matchmaking what?). OWL-S ends with its composition document because: - automatic service invocation/excecution is almost impossible at this moment, according to Dr. Burstein's envision on the dynamic invocation of Web services - "without any reprogramming, a software system could have the flexibility to use various services that do the same kind of job but have different APIs" - don't tell me you can invoke such funtions like the meaningless "stockquote". Semantic-Web (based) services (SWs) has been misleading this SWS-IG for years, because such approaches started from a wrong concept, then it cannot lead to a correct result. SWs had little interest in the real Web services but almost all their enthusiasm is on SW, not WS. However, SWS-IG is part of the Web Services Activity. To handle service semantic issues, SWs have to remove those components of service aggregation/mediation, etc. which has little relationship with "a" Web service. For all of us who are pursuing or obtained a higher degree, we know such a basic fact: whenever anyone uses/used a wrong concept in the research, the first response from the committee is to ask this guy to make correction first before moving step further, although such correction may take months or more than a year. It's the same to those SWs in this sWS community - make corrections first to comply with W3C specification on WS, not any Web-based service, or Web site. Otherwise, people will be confused and misled all the time. Regards, Xuan >>> Carine Bournez <carine@w3.org> 9/13/2006 7:17 AM >>> On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 04:52:02PM +0800, merrychang79 wrote: > > Hello Everybody, > > Both OWL-S and WSMO could be used to annotate the service to realize the automatic service discovery, composition and excecution. > But which one will be better or promissing as a standard upper ontology for service? Merry, You may find useful information in the report from the workshop held in 2005. http://www.w3.org/2005/04/FSWS/workshop-report.html The SAWSDL Working Group has been created to work on a semantic annotation mechanism in WSDL 2.0, see [1]. A charter for a characterization Group [2] had been written and no clear support for further work has been expressed so far. [1] http://www.w3.org/2005/04/FSWS/workshop-report.html [2] http://www.w3.org/2005/10/sws-charac-charter.html -- Carine Bournez -+- W3C Europe
Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:09:43 UTC