- From: John T.E. Timm <area51@asu.edu>
- Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 18:40:17 -0700 (MST)
- To: public-sws-ig@w3.org
In the OWL-S CongoBuy example there are SWRL variables which are defined in the argument of a SWRL expression used as an inCondition for a particular result as follows (see variable aBook): <swrl:AtomList> <rdf:first> <swrl:DatavaluedPropertyAtom> <swrl:propertyPredicate rdf:resource="&profileHierarchy;#title"/> <swrl:argument1> <swrl:Variable rdf:ID="aBook"/> </swrl:argument1> <swrl:argument2 rdf:resource="#FullCongoBuyBookName"/> </swrl:DatavaluedPropertyAtom> </rdf:first> <rdf:rest> <swrl:AtomList> <rdf:first> <swrl:ClassAtom> <swrl:classPredicate rdf:resource="#OutOfStockBook"/> <swrl:argument1 rdf:resource="#aBook"/> </swrl:ClassAtom> </rdf:first> <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;#nil"/> </swrl:AtomList> </rdf:rest> </swrl:AtomList> Is it possible to define this variable as a ResultVar? <process:hasResultVar> <process:ResultVar rdf:ID="aBook"> <process:parameterType rdf:datatype="&xsd;#anyURI">&profileHierarchy;#Book</process:parameterType> </process:ResultVar> </process:hasResultVar> What is the advantage of declaring the variable inline? Aren't ResultVar(s) for those variables which are bound to an inCondition as per the spec? Thanks, John T.E. Timm Ph.D. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State University area51@asu.edu http://www.public.asu.edu/~area51
Received on Friday, 1 September 2006 17:48:34 UTC