I'd like to point out some ideas related to service discovery and
1. In the OWL-S manner, the user's query is a reduced service profile...I
think it is important that the matchmaker be presented with as rich a
service request query as possible...there seems to be little or no work
related to this aspect of the discovery process (correct me if I'm wrong).
The more elaborate and clearly defined is the user's query, the more
suitable is the result.
2. Another issue is related to the combination of discovery with
composition...in numerous research these two processes are distinct...though
it makes also sense to think of composition as an extension to the discovery
process....given a service request, a set of agents (requester and searching
agents) will negotiate a set of suitable solutions that will be presented to
the user for his consideration..during the negotiating process various
compositions may be presented and depending on some user defined criteria a
ranked list of services will be presented.
3. The last point I wanted to make is related to the reuseability of
previously discovered services as a starting point for a new
request..possibly even providing for adaptability...we consider this aspect
to be very important since users will most probably use services over and
over again if they provide a reliable solution (qos etc) and are provided by
a trustworthy company.
We are interested in any work that focuses on these issues and are at moment
doing research that provides workable solutions...should this interest
anyone of the matchmaking group please let me know..we also have a simple
prototype as a demonstrator...
kind regards
On 10/28/06, Abraham Bernstein <bernstein@ifi.unizh.ch> wrote:
> Dear all
> >
> > As to a meeting at ISWC, it seems to be hard if not impossible to
> > synchronize with all interested people having conflicting
> > travel arrangements and schedules for ISWC. Therefore I would
> > like to suggest that anybody who is interested in the extension of
> > OWLS-TC2 and the S3 contest should informally meet on Nov 7 right after
> > Tom Gruber's invited talk in the coffee break, then we can
> > quickly check how we can proceed from there (maybe during lunch, in the
> > evening ?), and also to continue our discussion after the ISWC in the
> > Wiki, Holger did set up for us.
> I thinks this is the best and most flexible arrangement. If the break
> time isn't sufficient we can alsways decide to meet again (e.g., sit
> together for lunch).
> C U there
> Avi