Re: sws matchmaker contest

Dear all
> As to a meeting at ISWC, it seems to be hard if not impossible to
> synchronize with all interested people having conflicting
> travel arrangements and schedules for ISWC. Therefore I would
> like to suggest that anybody who is interested in the extension of 
> OWLS-TC2 and the S3 contest should informally meet on Nov 7 right after
> Tom Gruber's invited talk in the coffee break, then we can
> quickly check how we can proceed from there (maybe during lunch, in the
> evening ?), and also to continue our discussion after the ISWC in the 
> Wiki, Holger did set up for us.
I thinks this is the best and most flexible arrangement. If the break 
time isn't sufficient we can alsways decide to meet again (e.g., sit 
together for lunch).

C U there


Received on Saturday, 28 October 2006 09:29:43 UTC