Semantic Web Services Research Fellowships at KMi, The Open University, UK

[Apologies for Cross Postings]


The Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University has openings for Research Fellows to undertake research in the area of Semantic Web Services - using Semantic Web technology to support the development and use of Web Services. This work will take place within the context of two new EU-funded projects: LUISA and The Living Human Digital Library (LHDL). LUISA will integrate Semantic Web Services with eLearning. LHDL will use Semantic Web Services as a platform to create a complete in silico model of the human musculo skeletal system from the whole body level down to the protein level.


The ideal candidate should have experience in ontologies, developing symbolic AI systems and web services. Additionally knowledge of KMi's platform IRS-III, the Web Services Modelling Ontology (WSMO), Java and/or Lisp would also be useful. 

Appointment as a Research Fellow requires a PhD or three years equivalent in quality of achievement.


More information on these post can be found at:


Information on the two projects can be found at:




Informal enquiries may be made to John Domingue ( [Tel. +44 (0)1908 655014]. 

***The closing date for receipt of applications is 30th of November, 2006.***



Dr. John Domingue,
Deputy Director,
Knowledge Media Institute,
The Open University,
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK6 7AA


Received on Thursday, 2 November 2006 13:20:23 UTC