OWL concepts with OWL-S individuals

 Hi everybody,
  I have an ontology that its concepts are activities, works 
 done by employees, for example. My ontology Y has three 
 activities called: eletricity, glaziery, painting, etc. 
 Actually I have enterprises that does/executes these 
 activities; these enterprises are represented as web 
 services. I described each enterprise using owl-s.
  My question is: 
  Can I bind each concept with one or more enterprises that 
 are actually web services? I mean, how can I say in an 
 ontology that my concept glaziery could be executed by 
 enterprise A and B? I have to do a matchmaking process or 
 some modifications are necessary in my owl and owl-s to make 
 them interoperable? 

Can I say that my individuals from Y ontology are the owl-s 
 profile from enterprises descriptions? 
 Thank in advance,

Received on Monday, 7 November 2005 16:48:41 UTC