Semantic Web Services Framwork v. 1.0

We are pleased to announce the availability of version 1.0 of the 
Semantic Web Services Framework (SWSF) specification, here:

  This specification presents two major components:

     * The Semantic Web Services Language (SWSL) is used to specify 
formal characterizations of Web service concepts and descriptions of 
individual services. It includes two sublanguages. SWSL-FOL is based on 
first-order logic (FOL) and is used primarily to express the formal 
characterization (ontology) of Web service concepts. SWSL-Rules is based 
on the logic-programming (or "rules") paradigm and is used to support 
the use of the service ontology in reasoning and execution environments 
based on that paradigm.

     * The Semantic Web Services Ontology (SWSO) presents a conceptual 
model by which Web services can be described, and an axiomatization, or 
formal characterization, of that model. The complete axiomatization is 
given in first-order logic, using SWSL-FOL, with a model-theoretic 
semantics that specifies the precise meaning of the concepts. In 
addition, the axioms have been systematically translated into the 
SWSL-Rules language.

This specification is the work of the Semantic Web Services Language 
(SWSL) Committee:
of the Semantic Web Services Initiative:

We welcome comment and discussion on this mailing list (public-sws-ig).

David Martin
Michael Kifer
co-chairs, SWSL committee

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2005 06:39:48 UTC