UbiComp 2005 Workshops - Deadline June 17

[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
                             UbiComp 2005  Workshops
                                 Call for Papers

                              11 September, 2005

                                 Tokyo, Japan 

Workshops to be held in conjunction with the Seventh International Conference 
on Ubiquitous Computing  (UbiComp 2005, Tokyo, September 11-14)  are now 
accepting submissions.  All workshops will be held  on Sunday, 11th September  
at the conference hotel.  Unless otherwise noted, submissions will be accepted 
until June 17, and notifications of accepted submissions will be sent by July 
25.  The deadline for early advance registration will be July 28 (more 
information on the conference  hotel and conference registration will be 
posted on the web site soon).

Please note that prospective workshop attendees require an invitation from the 
workshop organisers based on acceptance of submitted position papers or 
explicit request.  Upon acceptance, attendees will need to explicitly register 
for the workshop, which will include a separate workshop fee, in addition to 
registering for the main conference.

Workshop titles are listed below.  

W1:   Ubiquitous Computing in Next Generation Conference Rooms: Interweaving 
      Rich Media, Mobile Devices and Smart Environments 
W2:   Pervasive Image Capture and Sharing: New Social Practices and 
      Implications for Technology 
W3:   Smart Object Systems 
W4:   Privacy in Context 
W5:   Ubiquitous Computing, Entertainment, and Games 
W6:   The Spaces in-between: Seamful vs. Seamless Interactions 
W7:   Situating Ubiquitous Computing in Everyday Life: Bridging the Social 
      and Technical Divide 
W8:   UbiPhysics: Designing for Physically Integrated Interaction 
W9:   Smart Environments and Their Applications to Cultural Heritage 
W10:  Monitoring, Measuring, and Motivating Exercise: Ubiquitous Computing to 
      Support Physical Fitness 
W11:  Metapolis and Urban Life 
W12:  ubiPCMM: Personalized Context Modeling and Management for Ubicomp 
W13:  Ubiquitous Wireless Communications 

Prospective authors are encouraged  to visit the updated Workshop Call for 
Participation at the UbiComp 2005 web site  (www.ubicomp.org), and/or visit 
individual workshop homepages (listed at

General questions about the workshops can be addressed to the Workshop Co-
Chairs (Yoshito Tobe and Khai N. Truong,  workshops-2005@ubicomp.org); 
specific questions about any individual workshop should be directed to the 
organizer(s) of the workshop.  


Koichi Kurumatani
UbiComp 2005 Publicity Chair


Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2005 23:55:26 UTC